
    Segments in Print Industry Are Set to Experience Renewed Growth
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    To say the print industry has been going through change would be a huge understatement. With the impact of digital media, the commercial printing industry has been altered forever during the last decade. There has been significant consolidation. Some forms of print communication have disappeared or have been relegated to postscript status. Emerging print technologies have recast…

    4 Simple Ways to Improve Direct Mail Letter Response
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    Direct mail is a proven way to get responses. According to the Direct Marketing Association’s 2015 Response Rate report, direct mail actually outperformed digital channels. The DMA report indicated direct mail achieved a 3.7% response rate while all digital channels combined got a 0.62% response. The number of direct mail projects we do at Perfect supports…

    4 Reasons Why Toner Still Beats Inkjet In Commercial Printing
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    by Joe Olivo   Yes, inkjet is gaining ground. According to Smither Pira, inkjet will overtake toner as the primary digital printing process by 2019. Advances in inkjet technology are making it suitable for more and more commercial digital printing applications. Inkjet already is the process of choice in high-volume digital printing and book printing.…

    5 Insights from the Return of the Print Catalog
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    We recently came across an article published in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) that highlighted how the print catalog is in style again with major retailers. Once a staple of product marketing, print catalogs seemed to disappear after the recession of 2008. Companies were forced to slash marketing budgets and print was an easy target.…

    Top 3 Design Trends for 2015
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    By Chris Buoni Has digital taken over the design world? Results of a quick Google search for “2015 graphic design trends” would seem to indicate it has. In researching our list of the top design trends for 2015 one thing was clear: digital design, especially for the web, is setting the standard for current design trends.…

    4 Essential Traits for the Communications Firm of Tomorrow
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    by Joe Olivo Having reached the noteworthy milestone of being in business for 35 years, I’ve spent some time recently reflecting on all that I’ve witnessed, firsthand, over that period. The prevailing theme in what I’ve seen through the years is a breathtaking pace of change in the way organizations communicate. As a business owner,…

    My Top Takeaways from the HOW Interactive Design Conference
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    by Chris Buoni Let’s get this disclaimer out of the way right up front – I still love print. I’ve worked in print for years, I deal with print every day, and I spend a great deal of my time helping my customers with print. I believe there is, and always will be, value in…

    Getting Reacquainted with the Importance of Great Design
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    by Joe Olivo   Steve Jobs was a quirky and incredibly demanding titan of business. He could at times be rude and almost belligerent to those who he believed weren’t measuring up to his standards of performance. I learned this while recently reading Walter Isaacson’s excellent biography of Jobs. Isaacson’s book does a great job…

    Maintaining Enthusiasm – The Role of Internal Communication During Perfect’s Transition
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    An Internal Communications Plan Has Buoyed Employee Morale During Perfect’s Transition Phase By Joe Olivo One of the greatest experiences I have as a small-business owner is when a visitor to our facility compliments me on our organizational culture at the end of their tour. Our current and potential print and marketing clients often comment…