
    Three (fifteen) Fundamental Questions Can Help Marketers Hit Their Mark
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    Do you find yourself bouncing from tactic to tactic, hoping to find the right approach in your marketing efforts? The world is moving quickly and communication professionals are running themselves ragged trying to keep up. With technology disrupting every facet of our lives, marketing success can be incredibly elusive. So what should you do? Let’s…

    Do You Advertise Your Business? It Could Cost You More to Advertise in the Future
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    Earlier this year, Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), introduced a comprehensive tax reform proposal in the U.S. House of Representatives that aims to simplify the U.S. tax code and lower current tax rates for individuals and businesses. Currently, U.S. corporate tax rates are among the highest in the civilized world. While many people, regardless of political…

    “Patent Trolls” Scaring Companies that Use Technology as a Bridge to Better Business
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    I recently attended “Print’s Voice ’14,” the annual “Capitol Hill Fly-In” event co-sponsored by the Printing Industries of America. This annual visit to Washington, D.C., is held to give those connected to the graphic arts and printing industry the opportunity to meet directly with members of Congress and their aides. For two days I made…

    Bridging the Engagement Gap – Using Print to Reach Age-Specific Audiences
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    There’s no arguing that we now exist in what many have called a social and digital economy and that it is here to stay.[i] From tablets to mobile joomla_4ices just about every product and service is connected in some way to the digital world with each aspect of our lives experiencing the impact of technology.…

    Lessons in Transforming an Organization
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    The Backdrop During my first 20 years at the helm of Perfect Printing, the solution to running a successful business was relatively simple; provide a quality product, in a timely manner, with great customer service. Little self-promotion was required. For a 50-year period, beginning with the coming to age of television, there were four primary…

    Joe Olivo Shares His Thoughts On the Perfect Name Change
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    Perfect Printing has been in the printing business for 35 years. What prompted you to make the change to become a full-service communications and marketing provider? For the last 30 years our business has grown through a combination of outside sales and referrals. However, as the role of digital communications has changed, so has the…

    It’s no joke, Perfect Printing has a new name!
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    Effective April 1, Moorestown-based Perfect Printing is changing its name to Perfect to reflect the company’s new focus on providing clients comprehensive strategic communication solutions. A successful regional printing company for the past 30 years, Perfect has expanded its services to meet the demands of the changing communications landscape. Working under its tagline, We Create…

    List Hygiene and Direct Mail
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    There are several ways to maintain accurate lists: CASS Certification This is a process that enables the USPS to evaluate the accuracy of an address with address matching and correction software. Your mail house should have this software and run your lists through the CASS certified software. This not only improves accuracy but also qualifies…

    Direct Marketing Best Practices Revisited – Part 2
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    The great thing about the rule is that it has withstood the test of time. The rule however is facing its greatest challenge since being created by Mayer in the 1960’s. The emergence of the social economy has changed the way we receive and process information. We are literally assaulted with tens of thousands of…