The Perfect Blog

    Top 3 Design Trends for 2015
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    By Chris Buoni Has digital taken over the design world? Results of a quick Google search for “2015 graphic design trends” would seem to indicate it has. In researching our list of the top design trends for 2015 one thing was clear: digital design, especially for the web, is setting the standard for current design trends.…

    4 Essential Traits for the Communications Firm of Tomorrow
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    by Joe Olivo Having reached the noteworthy milestone of being in business for 35 years, I’ve spent some time recently reflecting on all that I’ve witnessed, firsthand, over that period. The prevailing theme in what I’ve seen through the years is a breathtaking pace of change in the way organizations communicate. As a business owner,…

    My Top Takeaways from the HOW Interactive Design Conference
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    by Chris Buoni Let’s get this disclaimer out of the way right up front – I still love print. I’ve worked in print for years, I deal with print every day, and I spend a great deal of my time helping my customers with print. I believe there is, and always will be, value in…

    Getting Reacquainted with the Importance of Great Design
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    by Joe Olivo   Steve Jobs was a quirky and incredibly demanding titan of business. He could at times be rude and almost belligerent to those who he believed weren’t measuring up to his standards of performance. I learned this while recently reading Walter Isaacson’s excellent biography of Jobs. Isaacson’s book does a great job…

    Maintaining Enthusiasm – The Role of Internal Communication During Perfect’s Transition
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    An Internal Communications Plan Has Buoyed Employee Morale During Perfect’s Transition Phase By Joe Olivo One of the greatest experiences I have as a small-business owner is when a visitor to our facility compliments me on our organizational culture at the end of their tour. Our current and potential print and marketing clients often comment…

    Three (fifteen) Fundamental Questions Can Help Marketers Hit Their Mark
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    Do you find yourself bouncing from tactic to tactic, hoping to find the right approach in your marketing efforts? The world is moving quickly and communication professionals are running themselves ragged trying to keep up. With technology disrupting every facet of our lives, marketing success can be incredibly elusive. So what should you do? Let’s…

    Do You Advertise Your Business? It Could Cost You More to Advertise in the Future
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    Earlier this year, Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), introduced a comprehensive tax reform proposal in the U.S. House of Representatives that aims to simplify the U.S. tax code and lower current tax rates for individuals and businesses. Currently, U.S. corporate tax rates are among the highest in the civilized world. While many people, regardless of political…

    “Patent Trolls” Scaring Companies that Use Technology as a Bridge to Better Business
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    I recently attended “Print’s Voice ’14,” the annual “Capitol Hill Fly-In” event co-sponsored by the Printing Industries of America. This annual visit to Washington, D.C., is held to give those connected to the graphic arts and printing industry the opportunity to meet directly with members of Congress and their aides. For two days I made…

    Bridging the Engagement Gap – Using Print to Reach Age-Specific Audiences
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    There’s no arguing that we now exist in what many have called a social and digital economy and that it is here to stay.[i] From tablets to mobile joomla_4ices just about every product and service is connected in some way to the digital world with each aspect of our lives experiencing the impact of technology.…