Marketers know that combining online advertising and print marketing is a much more effective strategy than using either one alone. If you’re looking to take advantage of this powerful combination, Perfect can help.
We offer online advertising options including Google display advertising, social media advertising, Informed Delivery and ad retargeting. A benefit of our solution is that these online advertising tools can be combined with your direct mail efforts to create highly effective integrated campaigns.
A report from the USPS indicates that marketers who combined direct mail with digital marketing had more effective campaigns:
- 68% said the combination increased their website visits
- 63% said the combination increased their response rates
- 60% said the combination increased their ROI
Through a simple set-up process, you can have your own custom digital ads running and have access to all your online metrics, including impressions and clicks, through one comprehensive dashboard. There’s no need for multiple analytics platforms.
A hidden gem in our online offerings is Informed Delivery, a USPS program where marketers have the option to add digital elements to the scanned mail piece images that appear in the daily email digests sent to consumers signed up for the service. With our solution, you can easily ad Informed Delivery to your online advertising efforts at no cost.
Our retargeting allows you to display ads on Google and Facebook to people who visited your website but left without taking any action. Considering that more than 90% of visitors leave without taking an action on their first visit, it’s vital to follow up with them online to drive return visits.
If you are looking for help with online advertising, call (856) 787-1877 for more information.
Online Advertising:
• Google Display Ads
• Social Media Ads
• Retargeting
• Facebook Targeting
• USPS Informed Delivery