For nonprofits and similar organizations, gaining financial support from donors is a vital part of operations. Although various approaches can be used, most organizations remain committed to the effectiveness of printed fundraising appeals.
Perfect provides all the services required to perform successful fundraising appeals. With our decades of experience helping hospitals, nonprofits and universities raise funds, we can offer consultation and advice on how to best run your campaign. We can also help you design all the printed materials you need for your fundraising appeals.
With our hybrid printing capabilities, we print large or small quantities of whatever type of direct mail piece you decide to use—letters, postcards, mailers or special invitations. Our variable printing can help you personalize your fundraising appeals based on data you want to use to segment your audience, such as donation amount, giving history, donor type and more.
Customers we’ve produced fundraising appeals for include the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, The College of Physicians and the Franklin Institute. Campaigns we’ve printed have included appeals for general funds, annual appeals, seasonal or holiday appeals and alumni appeals.
Using our in-house mailing and fulfillment services, we can complete the mailing portion of your campaign. We also offer mail tracking services so you can know when your mail delivers and a website visitor identification solution to help you measure the effectiveness of your campaign or add leads to your donor lists.
If you’re looking for a printer experienced in fundraising, call (856) 787-1877.
Fundraising Appeals:
• Postcards
• Letters
• Mailers
• Invitations
Sample Projects
AIGA Philadelphia
Digitally printed soft-touch cover catalog for awards gala.
The College of Physicians
A four-color event brochure highlighting museum activities.
Marketing Materials
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Four-color brochure, postcard and newsletter for a local non-profit organization.
Program Booklet
Center City District
Booklet used as program for special anniversary event.
Wall Graphics
Vinyl wall graphic printed and installed to enhance interior office space.