
    Rethinking Print: A Sustainable Future

    Many people mistakenly believe that print is a wasteful and harmful practice for the environment. At Perfect Communications, we’re committed to changing that perception. Through our green printing efforts, we use bio-renewable inks, recycled paper, and energy-efficient equipment to ensure our process is as eco-friendly as possible.

    In recent years, a “green push” has led many to think that digital communication is the only way to protect our environment. This corporate movement toward a paperless utopia was driven more by cost-saving measures than environmental stewardship. In fact, a survey revealed that 85% of people recognized that this push was primarily about saving money.

    The truth is, when planned and used responsibly, print can actually be beneficial for the environment. Paper is one of the few true renewable resources, with more trees being planted than harvested each year to sustain the supply of wood and pulp.

    Key Facts About Sustainable Printing

    • Most paper in North America is made from sawmill residues and recovered paper.
    • Paper can be recycled up to seven times before its fibers break down and become unusable.
    • In 2013, 63.5% of the paper used in the United States—about 50 million tons—was recovered for recycling.
    • According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, more corrugated packaging is recycled than any other material.
    • In 2015 alone, the United States recycled enough paper to fill 125 Empire State Buildings.

    Leading the Way in Eco-Friendly Printing

    At Perfect Communications, we take sustainability seriously. Our green printing practices, certified sustainable materials, and energy-efficient operations help reduce waste and minimize our carbon footprint. From selecting the right paper to implementing responsible production processes, we ensure every print project leaves a positive environmental impact.

    Partner with Us for a Greener Tomorrow

    If you are interested in learning more about how you can print sustainably, or how we work to be a green printer, call (856) 787-1877. Visit for more information on green printing.